Monday 5 August 2013

Discover The Simple Truths Behind Great Hair 10 Myths Debunked

Our hair is considered to be our crowning glory and hence a lot of us mete out a very special treatment to our hair. We go for hair massages, indulge in various hair care products, pamper hair with special treatments and packs so that we have shiny and healthy hair. But sometimes in a bid to get strong and lustrous hair we often cross a line where we fail to differentiate between facts and myths. 

Here is an attempt to separate hearsay from the truth, so discover the simple truths behind great hair : 10 myths debunked.

Myth  #1: 100 strokes a day gives you shiny hair

Fact: Brushing hair can keep tangles at bay and help in styling your hair but has no connection with making your hair shiny. Rather excess brushing can weaken the hair follicles and be a catalyst for hair fall.

Myth #2 : Shampoo your hair twice per wash for clean hair

Fact: One wash is enough to clean your hair, so the 2nd round is moot as your hair is already clean.

Myth #3 : Washing hair with cold water makes it shinier

Fact: There is no logical or scientific connection between cold water and shiny tresses. The only thing cold water is capable of making sure you are wide-awake due to ice-cold water being doused on your hair.

Myth #4 : Trimming your hair frequently makes it grow faster

Fact: Hair growth is responsible from the root and based on your hormones. Hair is trimmed from the tip of the hair so there is no connection between trimming and hair growth. However trimming is a good practice to keep away split-ends at bay and also get the desired hairstyle.

Myth #5 : Stress causes hair loss

Fact: People usually experience hair loss on the lines of 50-100 hair strands on a daily basis and sometimes it increases during pregnancy and certain illnesses. Stress could be a factor because in times of stress people tend to be inattentive towards their diet, which in turn could lead to hair loss. So on a broader perspective it isn't stress but unhealthy eating habits during stress that causes hair loss.

Myth #6: Plucking gray hair leads to increase in the number of grays on your head

Fact: When you pluck a hair, usually another hair grows from the same root. So when you pluck a gray hair, another gray hair will pop up from there. So it is a myth that plucking grays increases the number of grays.

Myth #7: You can get rid of split-ends with haircare products

Fact: The only known way to get rid of split-ends is trimming the tip of your hair; no product can make any change albeit they can temporarily join the split-ends. That isn't a solution so trimming is your best bet

Myth #8 : Hair color causes damage to the hair

Fact: As long as you use well-reputed products, there is hardly any chance of it being damaged. All haircare product manufactures use high quality ingredients that are gentle on your hair. So as long as one is careful to use reputable brands, they don't have to worry about hair damage.

Myth #9 : Flat hair can't be altered

Fact: Flat or limp hair can be added body by brushing or with the use of rollers.

Myth #10 : Using new hair products make your hair healthier

Facts: Most hair products use similar ingredients and have similar effects on the hair. Rather the job of a shampoo is to clean your hair and scalp and nothing much so changing shampoos wouldn't really help you in anyway.

Hope this information helps you separate the myths from the facts and do the right thing when it comes to haircare.

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